Friday 11 April 2014

Experimenting with surface and fibres

I have been trying to work out how best to apply colour to my illustrations so I thought the best way to see was to try out watercolours and inks on different surfaces.

Ink Intense watercolour pencils on Calico with felted fibres

The colours were not as rich as I would have liked. They could provide depth to the image if worked on the surface and then the felted fibres were stitched on top.  
This was paper slipped inside the empty teabags and stitched. Then the window was pulled away to reveal the colour
I liked the idea of having windows. The shapes would then be cut out and hand stitched on to the pages

An experiment to stitch on linen wallpaper samples. It wasn't an easy surface to stitch on but the writing does stand out and it is very textured which is what I want the surfaces to be - tactile like buttons are

A sewing pattern inserted into the teabag and the top surface ripped off to reveal the wording

watercolour pencils on teabag paper and then stitched on top - quite like this watery feel

One of my favourite experiments - fabric and dotted paper inserted into the teabag and then revealed.
I would then cut out the shapes and handstitch them onto the design

Another fabric pattern inside a teabag with satin

felted fibres stitched onto Calico - this adds a soft texture

Acrylic inks on cotton and then stitched on top - the colours are much more vibrant and work well on the white cotton

Gold thread sewn on felted fibres onto Calico - thought this might be an ideal texture for the Beefeater button

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